Thursday, February 26, 2015

I had a request today to identify what all of the Function keys meant on a class members' computer. The issue is that all computer manufacturers are different, and that can lead to confusion.

I was able to view the keyboard on the internet, and then describe the applications/settings that each Function Key (Fn) controlled in that specific example.

Friday, February 20, 2015

As time passes, I see the same issues with senior citizens and their computers ( or tablets). The systems are under-utilized in most cases. The equipment is purchased with good intentions, but more and more I meet people who had no exposure to computers in their working life, and who are, frankly, a little intimidated.

I try to take them through some basic steps, but then push them away and ask them to start communicating with me via e-mail. That first step gives them some confidence, and then I can lean into browsing, internet setup, and finally, security programs that are available.

I am a big fan of "free".